Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Me = homeless

Top 10 reasons being in Peace Corps Mauritania is like being homeless in America:

10. The world is our toilet.
9. We sleep outside on the ground.
8. We bum meals most days.
7. We pick our noses, hawk loogies, and discuss diarrhea in public, unabashedly.
6. We don't eat fruits or vegetables for days at a time.
5. Our clothes are all tattered (I have no hole-less pants left, and I wear pants everyday).
4. We go for weeks without showering, and we don't wear deodorant.
3. We have few definite life goals or plans.
2. We survive on a generous $200/month from Uncle Sam; and:
1. Nevertheless, we still find money for alcohol (only while in Senegal, of course.)

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